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Becoming Stewards Of The Word Of God

·         Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

~2 Timothy 2:15 KJV~

Join us every Monday night for a deep dive into the Bible. This special time of learning and fellowship will renew your spirit and strengthen your walk with Jesus. The Christian Education Ministry provides the learning/teaching background to new members and season members who desire to give or teach Bible classes the right way. the SFT course trains members to give classes to help when souls for the kingdom of God, while the NM Class teaches them how to go through the everyday motion towards a new life in Christ. 

New Members Class

This ministry also helps new member's grain a sense of belonging and or placement to see what ministry would best fit their needs or what they desire to do. All new members are encouraged to take this class to better fit their needs and desires to work within this ministry. 

Search for Truth Bible Course

This Ministry course focuses solely on getting a better understanding of God's word. Not focusing on just particular text but going through the entire bible studying to dissect it piece by piece. This course will teach individuals how to properly give Home Bible studies and become better stewards of God's word and so much more. 

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