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Chief of Ministry

  • Kingdom of Christ Logo_edited

Minister Arkitta Brown, is the Chief of Ministry in our church who dedicates her time and services to the Kingdom to ensure things run smoothly. Being the Administrative Assistant, she is dedicated to ensuring that the daily operation of the Kingdom is done via pastor’s orders, as well as for the kingdom of God.


Minister Brown conducts various meetings with our leadership, ministry, and auxiliary chairs teams, to think of better ways improve the body as a whole, while also making sure that each individual is executing his/her assigned duties in a timely and orderly fashion. Having a Kingdom mindset to perfect the ministry as a whole she is seen as the glue that holds such great ministry together.


Therefore, because Minister Brown, is the embodiment of 1st Corinthian 14:40, she handles huge responsibilities with the day to day operation of the church, she's seen as one of our most prominent team members in the Kingdom of Christ.


Minister Arkitta Brown, is a native of Chicago, Illinois. She is married to Bro. Daniel Brown and they are the proud parents of three beautiful children.

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