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Youth Pastor

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Minister Donald B. Donaldson, was born in Chicago Illinois to the parents of Elizabeth Riley and Michael Reeves on November 10th 1995. Being born with an infirmed condition on his heart as an infant, he was not given the good prospect of living thru it. However, his anointed grandmother, Rosemary Marie  Donaldson-Fowler, being rooted in her faith, prophesied over his condition that he shall live and to this date has since endured several surgeries and is now preaching the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Now 23 years of age he is currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice from Western Illinois University in Macomb, Illinois.


At the age of 11 years old on Sept 18, 2006, Minister Donaldson dedicated his life to the service of Jesus  Christ under the full understanding of what he was doing. At the age of 11, he was filled with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost and Baptized in Jesus’ Name under the leadership of Bishop Brent Endris of the Rock Church in Gary Indiana. Having an anointing of God on his life and receiving a call to preach at the young age of only 12 years old, he was mentored in the apostolic way by his grandmother Rosemary Marie Donaldson-Fowler before she went home to be with The Lord April 16th, 2009.


Since preaching his first sermon on June 21, 2009, he has devoted his full life and understanding to the will of The Almighty God. Without any formal training, Minister Donaldson has acquired the gift of playing music by ear and demonstrates this gift by his skillful management of the organ and piano keys when called upon to play at various musical events. He has had the opportunity to preach at various Churches, bringing faith and the Truth of God, with special attention on the end-time church as mention in the book of Revelation.


As a very young minister, God has opened the door for him to preach at many church revivals,  Prophetic Conferences, Youth  Events, Church--Pastor  Appreciations, and others without concern for his age. God seems to show up and show out at every opportunity.  He currently serves as Youth Pastor, under the Pastorship of Bishop, Harvey L. Richardson of "Kingdom of Christ Church" at 101 W 108th Street, Chicago, Il 60628.


Being lead by God,  Minister Donaldson has had many people come to serve the Lord and to be baptized in the Name of Jesus. In recent years he has received a burden to teach and preach end-time bible studies with the help and assistance of his great uncle and current Apostolic mentor, Sherman Donaldson. In 2015 being ordained as Youth Pastor at Kingdom of Christ Church. Minister Donaldson exercises the scriptural themes by which he operates in his young ministry.


As Youth Pastor in our church. Minister Donaldson is a young man who dedicated both in time and services to the church to help thing run smoothly. Being the Youth Pastor, he is the center gear in the youth ministry who is responsible to keep the ministry’s other gears turning. Having a heart to serve, Minister Donaldson will take youth on a journey of examination to better themselves in the body of Christ, while also igniting the fire that lives within them, as well as helping you find your place in the Kingdom. 


Being raised up in the church, he can relate to a lot of problems that the youth in this day and time may face and give them the spiritual guidance they need to make it through. Spending a lot of time with them, he is seen as someone that they can open up to and always reach out for help no matter what it may be. Being like Joseph in his walk and relationship with God, he views ministry on another level that’s far beyond his years. Because Minister Donaldson, is a young man after God’s own heart,  living the embodiment of Philippians 4:13 he takes on various responsibility along with other tasks despite his age and ability. Therefore, Minister Donaldson is one of our prominent team members in the Kingdom of Christ.


The Kingdom was established in June of 1982 Under the Leadership of Bishop Harvey & Lady Venika Richardson, with only ten members. A remnant of those ten remains today as faithful charter members. Since the beginning, the handiwork of God has continually manifested itself upon the Kingdom of Christ Church.


Kingdom of Christ Church

101 W. 108th Street

Chicago, IL 60628





Phone: 1(800) 963-2717


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