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The Kingdom of Christ has been an evangelistic ministry, dedicated to spreading God’s word throughout the city, the nation, and the world through multifaceted outreach efforts.

Since 2000, Kingdom of Christ Church has provided the community with all the tools, wisdom, and resources they need to keep them grounded. Our various ministries were established with an aim to offer congregants the chance to give back to the community. Each of our ministries is as strong as a family and bring congregants closer together.

Raising Up Leaders For The Kingdom

We believe that the young people are the church of today. Because of this conviction, we offer a variety of ministries designed to enrich, enhance, train and guide our youth and young adults to become ambassadors for Christ today and uncompromising leaders of generations to come.

A Virtuous Woman

This Ministry was designed to strengthen the bond between our women members in the spirit of true sisterhood. The women auxiliary often get together for their annual retreats, skating trips, fellowship outings, etc. They meet monthly and gain a tremendous amount of advice about life such as: family issues, finance, and spiritual guidance from the First Lady.

Caring For Other In Their Time of Need

Here at the Kingdom, this ministry is dedicated to the task of lessening the sorrow of bereaved families. In times of grief and despair, the presence of our Benevolence/Comfort Committee workers mean more than words can ever be expressed. These special members minister through home visits, telephone calls, food preparation, assistance, and prayer.

Keeping God People Safe

Kingdom Security is comprised of professional and loyal brotherhood members, charged with the duty of security and service to the ministry, members and visiting friends of the church. We are indeed living in the last and evil days; thus, K.O.C Security keeps a watchful eye on the premises so that worshipers may praise the Lord without pain of worrying about what’s going on outside.

Reaching For Those In Need

“Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them…” Luke 14:23. Acknowledging the reality that some cannot, or will not come to a church building, the Street Service Team literally takes the gospel of Jesus Christ to the streets armed with the breastplate of righteousness, the Word of God, and the shield of faith. This ministry ‘reaches out’ to the lost through direct, interpersonal contact.

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