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Senior Pastor / Founder
(773) 614-8281

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Bishop Harvey L. Richardson is the Pastor of Kingdom of Christ Church of Chicago, IL, and the Founder and Overseer of the Kingdom of Christ Churches, Inc. He carries a powerful mandate of God in the last days to boldly win souls for the kingdom. Thousands have been captivated by his anointed preaching and soothing voice under the power of the Holy Ghost. He is truly a man after God’s own heart. Bishop Richardson began fulfilling his call to the ministry in 1976. From his youth, he became a recognized servant of the Lord and an anointed force who humbly yielded himself for service. Leading by example, he often placed himself willingly before God as an available vessel and an obedient servant to his leaders.


Bishop Richardson never having the need to attend a theological school. He learned everything he knows from spending countless hours in the presence of God. In 2012, he was ordained Bishop, and joined the I AM Council of Bishops during Annual Holy Convocation.


Bishop Richardson served very well under the leadership of Bishop James A. Taylor for over 6 ½ years. In 1982, Bishop Richardson founded the Kingdom of Christ M. B. Church in August where he still serves as pastor. In 2011, he founded the Kingdom radio broadcast, where he ministers through the open airways to save and uplift those who are lost. In 2012, he established the Thou Shalt Not Kill Ministry to help combat the gang violence that runs heavy in Chicago, and around the U.S.


Bishop Richardson continues to support outreach ministries on feeding the hungry, strengthening the family and other important issues affecting our communities. Bishop Richardson received his academics from the prestigious University of Arkansas Pine Bluff and the reputable Simeon Career Academy school in Chicago, IL.


Bishop Richardson shares the gospel of Jesus Christ on their various Kingdom of Christ Church Broadcast channels, on Facebook, YouTube, Can-TV Network, WBGX 1570, as well as Finding My Way Radio Network. When opportunity permits, he travels across the U.S. and throughout the international regions preaching the gospel where men might be saved.


Having many churches birth from the Kingdom of Christ, Bishop Richardson Oversees a host of ministries where he demonstrates true leadership for his sons, and daughters in the Gospel to follow after as they lead their flock and follows Christ.


Bishop Richardson is a native of Chicago, Illinois. He is married to First Lady Venika Richardson and they are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters.

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